Sports Performance

Athletes who are able to focus better under the stress of competition will simply perform better. They are able to block out distractions, respond more quickly and execute their craft more precisely.

Achieving peak athletic performance requires diligent mental conditioning, and once mastered provides a great competitive strength. Using advanced technologies, we provide athletes with the training and resources to improve focus, gain accuracy and sustain a mental edge.

Through a variety of techniques designed to improve mental performance, Dr. Silverman develops a conditioning routine crafted to each person’s individual needs. The result is an improved ability to focus and achieve the competitive advantage every athlete looks for:

  • Stronger attention and focus Improved ability to block out distractions
  • Being able to “get into the zone”
  • A sharper mental edge Improved mental timing and coordination
  • Improved mental recovery

For more information on athletic performance mental conditioning or to schedule an appointment, please contact us or call 480.314.4299.


What Our Patients Say

I would like to thank you for all the help my son has received from your program. Since he has started your program I noticed a difference in his behavior from the start. I has continued to improve as he moved through the program... Our lives are all better because of the help he has received from your program. I would highly recommend this program to anyone with ADD.

— Ellen, mother of 12 year-old boy with ADD

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