Our Location

Directions to our offices

The Center for Attention Deficit and Learning Disorders is conveniently located in North Scottsdale, near the 101 Freeway and Shea Boulevard. Our address is 10229 N 92nd Street, Suite #101, Scottsdale, Arizona 85258. However, we are not located directly on 92nd street so we included these simple directions to help you find our offices. From North Phoenix and North Scottsdale

  • Take the 101 Freeway to the Shea Boulevard Exit
  • Go left (east) on Shea to 92nd Street.
  • Turn right (south) on 92nd street and proceed to East Ironwood Lane (third left south of Shea). Make a u-turn at East Ironwood Lane and proceed north to East Ironwood Square Drive.
  • Turn right on East Ironwood Square Drive and proceed east.
  • Take your first left (north) and then your first right (east). You will now be driving between to sets of 3 buildings.
  • Our offices are the last building on your left (north side). Please park in any open spot on either side.

From Fountain Hills and North Scottsdale, East of 96th Street

  • Go west on Shea to 96th Street.
  • Turn left (south) on 96th street and proceed to East Ironwood Square Drive (third right south of Shea).
  • Turn right on East Ironwood Square Drive and proceed west.
  • Take your fourth right (north) and then your first left (west).
  • Our offices are the first building on your right (north side). Please park in any open spot on either side.

From Central Phoenix, Tempe and the East Valley

  • Take the 101 Freeway north to the 90th Street/Pima Exit
  • Go right (north) on 90th Street and proceed towards East Mountain View Road.
  • Turn right (east) on Mountain View Road and remain on this road until it turns north and becomes 92nd street. Continue towards East Ironwood Square Drive.
  • Turn right on East Ironwood Square Drive and proceed east.
  • Take your first left (north) and then your first right (east). You will now be driving between to sets of 3 buildings.
  • Our offices are the last building on your left (north side). Please park in any open spot on either side.



What Our Patients Say

You gave my daughter Linda hope and the ability to move forward in her life and studies. The difference from last year is like night and day. There has been a dramatic improvement in her life – and in ours as a family!

— Wendy, mother of a 15 year-old with ADD

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