About ADD & ADHD

Have you ever found it difficult to concentrate or felt fidgety and anxious?

For most of us, these are temporary feelings we occasionally experience, but for people with Attention Deficit Disorder these feelings are chronic and pervasive – to the point of disrupting everyday life. This common disorder affects up to 10% of school age children and generally persists into adulthood.

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) initially appears in childhood and is characterized by inattentive behavior and/or hyperactivity and impulsiveness. The symptoms associated with ADD affect an individual's ability to perform well in school, manage emotions and function normally in social settings. Anxiety, listening/processing problems, obsessive-compulsive issues, behavioral problems and underachievement often accompany Attention Deficit Disorder.


The causes of Attention Deficit Disorder remain largely unknown, though many experts believe genetic or neurobiological factors influence development of the disorder. Untreated, ADD often continues into adulthood causing a lifetime of frustration, underachievement and emotional distress. Fortunately, individuals are normally able to overcome the symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder through treatment and live normal, productive lives.

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What Our Patients Say

We were desperate for help for our son, Peter. Everyday life was frustrating and sad for him, and he was struggling in his preschool class. Now that he uses EEG Biofeedback, Peter is a different child. He is thriving and 100% happier – and our family life also is much improved.

— Laura, mother of a six-year old with ADD

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