Media Inquires

Dr. Sanford Silverman is a subject matter expert knowledgeable about attention deficit disorders and neurofeedback, and has appeared in multiple local and national media outlets. He welcomes media inquires and is available to share his insights with members of the press.

To coordinate an interview via phone, email, or in person, please use the form below or call (480) 314-4299. Dr. Silverman responds on a timely basis to meet deadlines and will provide excellent resources upon request.


What Our Patients Say

We were desperate for help for our son, Peter. Everyday life was frustrating and sad for him, and he was struggling in his preschool class. Now that he uses EEG Biofeedback, Peter is a different child. He is thriving and 100% happier – and our family life also is much improved.

— Laura, mother of a six-year old with ADD

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