Study: Relaxing after learning aids retention

August 23, 2012


By Jayme West on 92.3 KTAR-FM
Originally published: Aug 23, 2012 - 8:08 am

PHOENIX -- The next time you're cramming for a big test, you might want to relax for a while after.

A study group for psychological science was told two short stories. After the first one, they sat in a room with their eyes closed. After the second story, they played a computer game.

One week later, they remembered more details from the first story.

"That makes sense because the more competing things, the more your brain goes into cognitive overload," said Dr. Sanford J. Silverman, a psychologist at Scottsdale's Center for Attention Deficit Disorders. "It can only assimilate so much information."

Silverman also said some light exercise and getting the blood flowing after learning new information will help retention.

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