What to Expect with ADD and ADHD Treatment

Lasting change from decades of experience and diverse treatment strategies

Treatment for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder varies greatly depending on the individual - including age, symptoms, treatment choices, and past treatment outcomes. Our ADD/ADHD treatment strategies are non-invasive and designed to accommodate individual needs and preferences. Our treatment plans start by completing a comprehensive assessment, including a brain-map to help identify abnormal brain activity.

Once an assessment is completed, we focus on a thorough treatment plan designed around individual target outcomes. We have an assortment of both traditional treatment options and innovative methods, including drug-free treatment options, to help patients get highly beneficial and lasting results. Many of our treatment programs utilize proven neurofeedback and biofeedback techniques - allowing our patients to enjoy life-changing results. Get Started with Treatment Today


What Our Patients Say

I struggled with the tensions of running a large company. Using EEG Neurofeedback and brain mapping, Dr. Silverman helped me dramatically increase my ability to focus on details and manage stress. My family and staff noticed the changes after just a few sessions, and these improvements have been lasting.

— Dan, 37 year-old with anxiety and depression

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