Common Questions About ADD/ADHD and Neurofeedback

While the end result is similar – a noticeable change in behavior – there are distinct differences.

Medications are only effective with an adequate dosage level in the bloodstream. Medications may come with a variety of side effects including headaches, stomach aches and sleep disturbances.

Alternatively, Neurofeedback is a learning procedure where the mind is retrained to self-regulate. It is an internal process so it does not require an external resource or routine once results are achieved. Neurofeedback also does not have any negative side effects.

Neurofeedback may be used as an alternative to medication, or it can be used in combination with medications to achieve enhanced improvements over medication alone.

This largely depends on the individual, but most patients experience substantial success after 20 to 40 sessions. More complex cases like Autism and closed-head injuries may require more time. Once treatment is complete, most patients do not require any additional sessions.

Not at all. Many already high performing and functioning people use neurofeedback to fine-tune their brain for better performance at work and in sports activities. Our programs have helped both business executives and professional athletes improve their focus and mental responses using neurofeedback.

Our fees are consistent with other licensed psychologists. Many of our treatments require multiple sessions for success so we offer packages of sessions based on your individual treatment requirements.

Studies have shown the results from neurofeedback are long-lasting, if not permanent.

It depends on the diagnosis and your individual plan. Please contact your provider if you have questions.

No. Neurofeedback is a learning-style therapy where the brain uses it’s own resources to change behavior in a non-invasive manner.

This depends on the individual and the severity of their condition, but most patients report positive results after a few sessions.

Absolutely not. Neurofeedback is a safe, painless, drug-free treatment and is not uncomfortable in any way.

The results from neurofeedback can be subtle or obvious depending on the patient, especially in the beginning. Over-time the results become more apparent with treatment.

Scheduling an appointment with us is your best option to accurately diagnose ADD/ADHD, however there are some simple tests you can take to determine if you or your loved one is potentially affected. We provide a simple online test for ADD/ADHD on our site for your convenience.

What Our Patients Say

I started Neurofeedback because I was inattentive and doing poorly in school. During the first month I experienced a significant improvement. I plan to attend college and know what I learned here will help me be successful at school and in life.

— David, 17 year-old who was failing classes and depressed

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